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Fred and Jan Yager are a married couple who have written several screenplays, novels, and nonfiction works in collaboration; they have also authored solo works.

Fred Yager was a reporter for the Associated Press for 13 years including four years as a movie critic and entertainment writer, screening hundreds of movies and interviewing hundreds of film industry professionals including actors, actresses, directors, and producers such as Stephen Spielberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the late John Ritter, Francis Ford Coppolla, and Sally Fields. He has a certificate in film production from New York University and a degree in psychology from City University of New York. He has been a member of the Writers Guild of America since 1983 and is the author of the novel, REX.

Jan Yager studied acting at the Gene Frankel Theatre Workshop and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. She has a Ph.D. in sociology from the City University of New York Graduate Center and a masters in criminal justice from the Goddard College graduate program. She has taught at the University of Connecticut, Penn State, Temple University, and The New School. She is the author of 15 nonfiction books including VICTIMS, WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS, FRIENDSHIFTS, and EFFECTIVE BUSINESS AND NONFICTION WRITING.

To contact the Yagers about speaking engagements or film rights to their novels, or to request a reading copy of their screenplays ("Untimely Death," "Just Your Everyday People," "No Time for Love," or "Runaways," send an e-mail to: yagerinquiries2@aol.com.
For information on foreign rights, contact: hannacroix@aol.com
For foreign rights inquiries to CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE FILM INDUSTRY, send an e-mail to: bjacobs@factsonfile.com.

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